Village de Chamboeuf
in Chambœuf
From Chamboscum in 1130 to Chambosco in 1250, from Chambeuc in 1378 to Chabaud in 1673, it was only in 1710 that the village took the name of Chamboeuf. The history of Chamboeuf is closely linked to that of Jourcey abbey.
Founded in 1130, this priory was initially a Bernardine
convent, then, around the end of the Ancien Régime, became an annexe of the royal house in Saint-Cyr. At the Revolution, the buildings were
destroyed and the only one left standing was a Romanesque chapel which is...From Chamboscum in 1130 to Chambosco in 1250, from Chambeuc in 1378 to Chabaud in 1673, it was only in 1710 that the village took the name of Chamboeuf. The history of Chamboeuf is closely linked to that of Jourcey abbey.
Founded in 1130, this priory was initially a Bernardine
convent, then, around the end of the Ancien Régime, became an annexe of the royal house in Saint-Cyr. At the Revolution, the buildings were
destroyed and the only one left standing was a Romanesque chapel which is the commune’s main relic. At the heart of the village, the church is
interesting for its side nave dating from the 14th and 15th centuries and for a remarkable sculpted wild cherry wooden cross (listed monument).
In Chamboeuf, life has been seen through rose-tinted spectacles since the birth of Antoine Meilland in 1884, a rose specialist who became internationally
famous when he created the fabulous "Meilland Rose" and, also, among others, "the Rose of Peace". The municipality has decided
to give its parks and gardens’ policy a heritage and cultural dimension by appropriating a historical theme: Meilland, and in the framework of an
innovative concept, to create a pedestrian trail lined with paintings of fl owers and shrubs presenting the different Meilland roses.
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