Board of Directors

The team

The Tourist Development Agency, created at the initiative of the Loire Departmental Council, prepares and implements the Department’s tourism policy. It organizes, leads and coordinates all work related to tourism and leisure.
A departmental tourism development plan has been drawn up, and the Agency monitors and coordinates operations and executes them in conjunction with all the tourism partners. It is in charge of training, the development of tourist facilities and contributes to the elaboration and promotion of tourist products. It produces numerous information and promotional documents, develops relations with the press and implements marketing strategies.
Promote and communicate: Encourage tourists to come to the Loire by improving the image and reputation of the department and knowledge of the tourism offer.
Informing: Facilitating tourist activity by making available or providing information adapted to the expectations of our visitors.
To federate and animate: To create synergies between the actors of tourism in the Loire to increase the efficiency of the actions undertaken.